Betrayal ALWAYS hurts

My english is getting weirder and I've been thinking that I get a brain cramp (bahasa inggris ngaconya 'kram otak')..So to prevent the brain cramp, I post in english today..

I really hate reminiscing..It's okay if I reminisce something that is happy or funny..But now, suddenly I remembered something that hit me on my head..Yeah, it came just out of nowhere..I remembered the feeling of having my trust betrayed..Well, I can't help it since my moody days are coming..*what a pain being a girl
How does it feel when you trust someone so much and are betrayed in the end?I recalled that you want me to trust you but it's all proved as bullshit after all..You 'have no idea' how much it hurts..
It's not easy for me to trust a person..For me, the only one who I can trust is myself and God..nothing more and less..
If you said that you can trust your friend, but till now, I've yet to find a friend I can really trust..Well, there are two persons I trust to be my friend..But nowadays there are very few persons can be trusted..

So, I have to be careful from now on..Either when I place my trust or my heart..
But really, I think the day when I can fall in love again is still far away..Since there isn't any normal man I've met in the campus..
I don't mean to mock them, but they really ARE weirdos..Not all of them, but most of them
Oh well,there goes my life..



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