In everything you do..

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."

This verse keep ringing in my head lately. It's not when I do things for church's ministry, but rather when I do simple things like mopping the floor or washing the dishes. Annoying? To be honest, yes.
I'm not a detailed person. Whenever I did chores, I'd just do it as long as it's done.

Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God means that you don't seek acknowledgment from man in whatever you do, because you'll only get disappointment. It's the answer that I came up from thinking about this verse. 
I used to really hate house chores. It's because no matter if I did it or not, I'd get scolded. So, thinking logically, why should I do it? Because the result is the same, scolded. I chose not to do it. Now that I think about it, maybe I was seeking recognition from my parents for my work. That's why I got so disappointed when what happened is not what I expected.

Now, every time this verse pops out of nowhere, I find myself trying my best in little things to the point that I actually enjoy it. It's because I'm not doing it for anyone but God. 
I'm trying to apply this verse to the bigger things. Hopefully I could enjoy whatever I did, no matter how big or small. 

My last post is about how I wanted to change, so maybe this is one of the answers I got.


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