Life is not fair..and never will be

Two days ago I was so upset because of what happened in my uni. The lecturer asked us to make a mood board(google it in case you don't know) to define our target audience. In the last semester, I had made it before so I knew what I was doing. After two hours, I turned in the mood board. To my surprise, I got a C and the lecturer gave question marks over some pictures. I thought to myself 'What did I do wrong?' and my friends didn't know either what looked wrong in my mood board. So my friend and I who also got a C, decided to ask the lecturers(we have 4 lecturers, one main lecturer and lecturer's assistants) about it.

After the class was over, we asked them and the lecturer explained that she didn't get the 'mood' in my mood board. I was confused because I was sure I was right. Suddenly I remembered something 'Oh, I'm studying design, what do I expect?' I knew that studying design meant you will get an unfair treatment especially regarding your grade. Because design is not about right or wrong. Suddenly one of the assistant asked me to explain my picture. I explained it based on what I learned on last semester. She looked at me with a disgusted look(no hyperbole here, she really did). Then she cut me off and gave me the I-am-always-right-and-you-are-in-the-wrong argument. I decided not to press my argument any longer because I might punch her in the face. 

After that I did some thinking alone. Although I could accept the lecturer's reasoning, I still felt it was totally unfair. My friend had done exactly like what that lecturer wanted last semester. She got the mood right but the previous lecturer said it was wrong and asked her to make a new one. So I did like what I made last semester and got it wrong now? What the...
Maybe I'm too used to learn science. In science, especially physics, you can never argue whether it's right or wrong. 

And I questioned myself for studying this major...It seemed wrong. Design should never be something that you learned in uni. The grading system just didn't do it for us. One might say your design sucks and another might say your design is awesome. Well, this is not the first time I got this kind of unfair treatment. Let's just say everyone in my major has experienced it. One could draw badly and still got an A because he/she is close with the lecturer. 

Should we involve voting in the grading? Well, I don't know..What I know is it is unfair. Life too, is never fair


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