Two years has passed since my last post. Now I have been blessed with a little bub. My days are very hectic, to the point I stopped counting for the date and just go with everyday routine.
This was something I already knew before my little bub was born. That all time and energy will be spent so much on him. Even my alone time with God. But until I experience it myself, I guess I didn't know what was coming.
To be able to read God's word everyday is a privilege. To sit and enjoy His presence in a service is a privilege. To find time to talk to Him is a privilege. To have time for yourself is also a privilege. Oh, how we take it for granted! Even writing this blog is a privilege.
There is a saying: "The nights are long but the years are short." Although it's hard to do anything or everything, hopefully I can enjoy the time with my little bub I am blessed with. I need so much of God's wisdom because taking care of a baby is one thing, but parenting is another thing.
And while time does fly, I hope to be able to remember that God's presence is always near.
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