Things to be thankful for

It's a new year!
While a new year's resolution is essential, a list of things to be grateful for in the past year is what I need to remind me how big His grace is.

So, here's my 2013 list; Mind you, it will be longer than the previous post:
For the trip with my classmates to Jogja – it was a very inspiring one
For my classmates themselves – their awesomeness in design motivated me 
For the final year in my studies – all that is left is the final assignment
For the internship experience, the people, the things I've learned
For the chance to serve Him – in stop out, Hymn Night, and even Christmas. It's amazing
For being able to join the youth fellowship
For my brother and sister in Christ – their fire that keeps me burning too
For my bf – glad that he's also a brother in Christ
For every good times and fellowship with all my friends
For every encounter with new people
For God Himself – to be honest there are so many things I want to say thanks to Him, but it just unspeakable, His love is too big to be told by words

Thank God for everything that had happened in 2013.


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