What a busy way to start the year!

A brand new year! Not that it needs to be overhyped because it's almost the end of January. But still, it's the first post in 2013!
I contemplated (too much) about what to write for the first post. It's because some of my friends' blogs are really inspiring and they had the style of writing that I loved so much. So maybe just for a little my pride is kicked down.

After considering some topics and deleted it over again,there is something that I need to get it out here. These days are really tiring because of constant wave of assignments. Moreover, all of the them have to be done in groups. You just had to arranged meeting with them, talked about it, then did the tasks you are assigned to. This process is repeated for every subject until I noticed something.
Does it really have to be me or whoever-that-one-person-in-the group-that-reminds-everyone-to-do-their-tasks? 

A role like this is very tiring. Everyone is expecting you to give orders. I know it's a part of my personality to schedule how things work. But a little initiatives won't hurt. There's that, but some also consulted how their work should be done. It's not wrong, but there are other people(?) in the team that have better judgement right? Especially when you're not a perfectionist yourself.
Wow, the burdens are doubled. Remind others to start the work, do your part of job yourself, check on others, evaluate how their works. Not that I really hate it because the good part is...I can lessen my part of job since I'm the one who arrange the jobdesk(shhh..please don't tell anyone). Now that the secret is out, I can refute a question from a friend of mine about if I didn't want to share the workload to others. No dear, I would be very happy to.

But do you know that feeling when people expect something more from you?Well, it's somehow similar to that. And we just can't ignore the complaints of course, about me being so uptight and all. Wow, if I need to be it's because people soooo loved to procrastinate. Am I wrong? Because I love it too, just not as severe as others.

So, I have a request for my future teammates. Sometimes, please let me to be the ordinary member of the team. Just give me part of job and I'll do it precisely how it will be asked. And no coup d'etat(since someone called me a dictator, not a leader LOL) as long as the leader does a good job. I promise :)

Pretty please with cherry on top,



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