I'm at my limit

It has been a month since the last time I posted on my blog. I wanted to do it sooner but unfortunately I was so busy as hell. I have so much to tell but I can't put it into words since I'm so tired.

Right now I feel so angry, tired, and helpless at the same time. I want to shout 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' as loud as I can. I never imagined that this semester would be as hectic as this. Almost everyday is spent at my uni. Why?It's because of those classes. Entrepreneurship is one of my class for this semester. So, this 'Entrepreneurship' thing is really annoying. It has one of the lowest credits for this semester although a LOT of effort are spent only for this. 

Seriously, the so-called 'Entrepreneurship Center' that supposed to help us to held an event(which is a requirement for this class) is not helping at all! My team had a very good concept for an event and it ended up being cancelled because of that 'Entrepreneurship Center'. Half semester has passed and we had to think of a new event from the beginning. And AGAIN, they are really not helping at all, more like hindering us to pass from this subject. Really? Is that where our parents' money had gone to? To those people? There are other classes that need to be prioritized too!
I can't even curse them enough.

Because of this subject, I spent a lot of money and time. So my grades for other subjects don't look good. I'm going to present the new project to them tomorrow. If they decide to reject it, I think I'm gonna go rampage in front of them. I'm really at my limit emotionally. 
That's all I think for today. I try to keep my blog clean from subjective views like this but I just can't hold it in. Lastly, to the Entrepreneurship Center(I think I'm sick enough of typing 'entrepreneurship' so many times), here, I give you my middle finger :)


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