Forgotten dreams

A few days ago my friend tweeted "I've already forgotten my dream. It was somewhere between money and skill, and somehow I decided to give it up. Not sure what it is now."
So, there are people who feel the same way I do..
When we were little, the first thing people asked us were 'what do you want to be when you grow up?' And we answered it with whatever-job-we-think-it-is-interesting. I forgot when I realized that this was a stupid question. We won't be thinking the same when we are fully grown up. Since then, I always answer with 'I don't know'. Sure, a child can dream. However, it bugged me if people looked at me as if it was strange because I didn't know what I wanted to be. It's as if children have to be ready with an answer if people asked you that question or else.

I don't know what I want to be but I know what I want to do. Maybe this is what we call 'a dream'. Rather than something we want to be, it's more like something we want to realize. However, this 'dream' is forgotten somewhere in the middle as we are trying to achieve it.
I grew up in Asian family where parents expect their children to study as high as possible and get a decent job. Especially with Chinese family like mine, money > everything. I had never been told to achieve my dream. I was told to earn as much money as possible when I get a job. Just like how my friend tweeted it, I was lost on my way. Even now, I'm confused. I don't know what my dream is..

So, which one is more important? Money or your dream? Motivator said that dream is important and blah blah but the reality is, not everyone is given the chance to choose. Maybe I'm not brave enough to choose one. I'm trying to achieve both of them at the same time. Greedy, aren't I?


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