Life's harsh..agree?

It has been long since the last time I updated my blog..Well, for some reason, I'm not in the mood for it.. 

This month, some of my friends are going to depart abroad..When I think about it, I think I gonna miss them since it's not easy for them to go back here whenever they want..But on the other hand, I'm jealous too..Why?just see..Here I am, in this country, which is corrupted inside and out..I wanna go abroad of course, but it needs two things: "Brain" and "Money"
I don't have either of them..So, good bye my dream to get out of this rotten country (Call me whatever you want..But sorry,no matter how hard I tried, I never came to love this country)
Hope that they won't change..Okay,humans do change..But I don't wish my friend to change too much..Like some people who go abroad for study and become freak because of whatever-it-is-that-make-you-feel-the-bitterness-of-life
So, I wish you all luck my friend..See you all someday..

Another thing to share..
Lately, I've been thinking why life has never been plain..If we are not up, then down we go..When I think I'm on the peak of happiness, suddenly I'm in the deepest pit of despair..Just leave me happy please?
I've heard about why life's always upside down..It is said that life's that way so that it won't be boring..Maybe it's true, but I prefer to be happy till I bored to death rather than being bored because of too-long-despair..
Well, it's just my thought..Since there has been a little fights here and there in my relationship..But to be happy means to be grateful, and I'm grateful for it..

I still have to bear with this long boring holiday..So, see you again :D

There's time to be happy
and there's time to be sad..
Grateful is the key to happiness
There are times that make me cry..
But please have it Your way,not my way..
You give not only happiness but also joy to me


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